On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:52 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> I would like to avoid creating accounts in gazillion upstream bug trackers,

Aha! Should the package maintainers play the middle man in the
gazillion upstream bug tracker accounts? This sounds neither very
thoughtful nor quite efficient.

> so bugzilla.redhat.com as a single point of contact is very helpful to me.

I wish life was that easy!

> Is the web page I mentioned outdated, or are package maintainers expected to
> handle upstream bug tracker interactions?

Basically, if it is RPM packaging specific enhancement/bug, or if
upstream uses bugzilla.redhat.com as their primary bugtracker (some
do), then definitely bugzilla.redhat.com. Otherwise, common sense (and
thoughtfulness :) ).

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