On 03/04/13 02:28 PM, Aaron Gray wrote:
Can anyone offer me advice where to look and what to look out for with
this ATI Rage XL problem, it was not in F16.

The bare minimum info for submitting a useful X bug report is:


Now I look at the F19 package set, the oldest ATI driver I see that's still actually packaged is r128. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATI_Rage is somewhat confusing, and my first-hand memory just doesn't stretch that far back any more, but it at least implies that the Rage XL predates the Rage 128, and the r128 man page does not mention the XL. It's possible there's simply no supported (and hence shipped in Fedora) native driver for your card any more. I'd still expect some kind of fallback driver to work to some extent, though. At minimum, take a look at the X and kernel logs and see if you can at least figure out what drivers are actually in use.

I will try rolling a F19 ISO if I can get that together and try that
just in case the problem has fixed itself.

We already have nightlies at https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/ and Alpha TC images available (see announcement mails in the archives), so you shouldn't need to roll your own!

I will also follow up the Ubuntu lead.
Thanks for the replies, any help or information is much appreciated. Did
there used to be a Fedora triage group for dealing with such problems ?

Well, there was a triage group, yes, the Bugzappers; it's currently dormant. It wasn't exactly for 'dealing with such problems', though, it was about trying to ensure bug reports were sufficiently complete and generally organizing them (trying to set severity, catching duplicates and invalid reports, and so on). X.org triage is something that we could do with more of for sure; Matej Cepl and myself used to somewhat keep up with it, but neither of us has the time lately. If there was some kind of group specifically for dealing with bugs on very old hardware, I'm not aware of it.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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