
I'm replying here as the question was posed here but I think this should be
moved off-list as is not related to Fedora development.

On 28 March 2013 13:38, <john.flor...@dart.biz> wrote:

> I would like to hear what you've worked out.  We had it going back as late
> as F15-16ish IIRC, but it got increasingly difficult and I lost interest,
> settling for an RDP session to a Windows client.

Well, once you know what to do the setup is pretty simple. Make sure to
have a fast disk (SSD is ok to feel on the average) and at least 2gb of RAM
just for the idle client.

The main problems (apart from the fact that the client sucks horribly) are
the following:

1) All the %post scripts are huge and manipulate the files once installed
and the fixpack touches the files of the base package. Rpms are so
complicated, convoluted and huge that I never attempted to repackage them.

$ rpm -q --scripts ibm_lotus_notes | wc -l
$ rpm -q --scripts ibm_lotus_notes_fixpack | wc -l
$ du -hs ibm*
4,9M    ibm_lotus_activities-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm
3,8M    ibm_lotus_cae-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm
132K    ibm_lotus_feedreader-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm
315M    ibm_lotus_notes-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm
134M    ibm_lotus_notes_fixpack-8.5.3-20121116.0820.FP3.i386.rpm
51M    ibm_lotus_sametime-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm
135M    ibm_lotus_symphony-8.5.3-20110916.0921.i586.rpm

2) The current GTK 2 implementation contains a never fixed bug [1] from
2009 that prevents the main pages to display in recent GTK 2 versions, so a
wrapper for the Fedora libraries to preload is required. The alternative is
to patch the GTK 2 rpms. Provided rpms are linked to RHEL libraries and the
old GTK2 library in RHEL works fine.

My less painful procedure so far to install on both i686 and x86_64 is to
proceed as follows:

1) Create a repo with the IBM rpms (sign them!) and install what's needed.
I need the integrated Sametime client as empathy+meanwhile does not allow
me to add contacts:

yum install ibm_lotus_notes ibm_lotus_sametime ibm_lotus_notes_fixpack

2) Install my custom package that provides an additional icon to launch
Lotus Notes through the preloaded wrapper library.

yum install ibm_lotus_notes_wrapper

Attached is my custom rpm; it contains only the library, the menu entry and
a nifty kill-notes script. It also takes ownership of the /opt/ibm/
directories on behalf of the broken Lotus Notes packages. When you launch
notes, use the new icon in the menus of your desktop environment.

[1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590404


You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).

Attachment: ibm_lotus_notes_wrapper-0-2.fc18.i686.rpm
Description: application/rpm

Attachment: ibm_lotus_notes_wrapper-0-2.fc18.src.rpm
Description: application/rpm

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