On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 09:47:57PM +0100, Simone Caronni wrote:
> I'm one of those poor souls having to deal with Lotus Notes at work.
> Well, actually my soul is kidnapped in Hell and I'm forced to work with the
> damn tool for repentance. Words are not enough to describe the unbearable
> agony that the super fat Lotus Notes native client and the funtastic iNotes
> web interface bring to my life. I started thinking we do this for charity
> towards the Notes sysadmins.
> Having said that, I need Sametime, and meanwhile has a few bugs open
> upstream in Empathy, one of which is the missing field to specify which
> server to connect to (!!) in the account settings.
> If there's nobody else who wants to step in, I would like to be the
> mantainer; any help from co-mantainers is much welcome.

I'll happily co-maitain with you.

I need meanwhile/pidgin but I couldn't hope to top your description of
/why/ I need it :)

Yours Tony

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