On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:01:32 +0100, Alec Leamas wrote:

> Well, isn't the rule is actually simpler than that: any  package owning 
> a directory owned by another package is  broken.

It used to be like that, but nowadays the guidelines aren't that strict
anymore. See "multiple ownership" here:


In order to have only a single package being the only owner of a directory,
there would be an inflation of either the "filesystem" package or
additional "-filesystem" subpackages elsewhere, which one could depend
on _only_ for proper directory ownership. This would create overhead.

To make fedora-review be extra careful when finding a %files entry
%{_libdir}/*  might be worthwhile. Such an entry would include files
in /usr/lib/debug (where %_libdir = /usr/lib) and also bears a risk
of duplicating files included in subpackages. It shouldn't be too hard
for a packager to come up with a safer more-appropriate wildcard than '*'.

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