On 02/15/2013 11:58 PM, Till Maas wrote:
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:50:28AM -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

- make a script to identify all the packages that are broken and
   shipping debug stuff.
AT least for the directory a simple yum call should suffice:
yum --disablerepo '*' --enablerepo fedora\*  whatprovides /usr/lib/debug

But it shows that a lot (all?) debuginfo packages own the directory
which probably needs to be fixed in rpm itself.

I have filed a bug against filesystem: BZ 911831.

I get 46 owners of /usr/lib/debug, that can't be all debug packages...

Shall we file a bug against rpm, saying that claiming the complete path doesn't really work? I see the problems here, if rpm shouldn't claim the complete path /usr/lib/debug/lib/whatever, the part to claim is more or less arbitrary.

Some macro defining the "system" paths i. e., the paths belonging to filesystem and not to the debug package?

Must guidelines be updated.?

Here are dragons...


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