On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-02-04 at 20:35 -0500, Jon VanAlten wrote:
>> tl'dr: Please leave the straw man "new users won't be able to
>> decide" argument at the door, there's a way around it if we can
>> think about the *best* way to do it, rather than the *worst*.
> It's not really a straw man, though. Just about every popular distro
> doesn't make the user pick a desktop before they can download.
> Simplifying download pages is something many distros have done, and been
> happy with the results of.
> You say to ask the excellent UI-oriented people: we did, and they
> designed the download page. One of the things they explicitly wanted to
> do was stop forcing people to make five choices before they could
> actually download anything.

There is some level of difference in complexity between a fork and an
electric guitar. The simplicity syndrome resembles selling them in the
same aisle in the department store. Typically one needs some more
information before buying the more complex one.

Sadly, keeping their citizens uneducated/ignorant is inscribed in the
foundation of many popular political parties governing the world. Are
we following this strategy? What for? Because it is the easiest way
out? I don't think we are trying to generate a new pop-cultural wave
or ride an existing one here.

Education is good, providing it is better. Information is your friend.
These should not be the things to fear. Hiding or deliberately not
presenting information is more scary, especially when it results in a
cap on productivity.
Please reconsider.

Thank you Adam,
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