On Tue, 2013-02-05 at 02:59 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Adam Williamson wrote:
> > ...and forcing a choice - possibly between several things they are not
> > familiar with either in detail or in nature - is equally wrong for many
> > people. Probably *more* people. Lots of people don't really care what
> > desktop they get, and lots of people don't know what a desktop is or
> > what are the differences between GNOME and KDE and Xfce and LXDE and and
> > and and...
> > 
> > You're a new Linux user, you go to our download page, and instead of a
> > simple big green Download button, it starts asking you questions about
> > what 'desktop environment' you want? What the hell is this crap?
> > 
> > Getting this right was one of the simple things Ubuntu did that helped
> > its initial surge in popularity over other distros at the time, BTW.
> > They didn't make you pass a test to download the product.
> I don't think "distro XYZ did that" is a reasonable argument for doing 
> something in Fedora

I didn't make it as an argument, I noted it as an aside. That's why it
comes second and has "BTW" in it.

> , but since you started it: OpenSUSE is doing just fine 
> doing exactly what I suggest (making people actually pick their download). 
> Their download button actually points to a selector, not directly to an ISO.

That would be the SUSE that along with Mandriva got completely panned
when Ubuntu showed up, then? To the point where they've since been sold
two times and have never really recovered.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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