
the this should be not a problem.

The intended logic here is requiring enabled root OR user(s). We might add ssh 
keys as a valid option if needed too (but I am not sure about entering the key, 
typing it manually is probably not a good idea).

Moreover, initial-setup has a working quit button.


----- Original Message -----
> > From: Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com>
> > That said, the current firstboot allows you to just walk through
> > and
> > skip user creation, last I checked. So I'm not sure why you need to
> > cancel it. If you just don't enter anything in the username and
> > password fields, it doesn't stop you.
> Exactly right, and that's all I'm asking for out of the new firstboot
> -- preferably with a keystroke or click from the initial firstboot
> dialog.
> I just want to avoid what happened for a few old Fedora releases
> (10-13 ish) where you were not allowed to skip user creation/joining
> a domain short of having to go out out of your way by booting into a
> non-default run-level, removing firstboot, etc.
> --
> John Florian
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