Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> Kevin manufactures today don't built hardware to last more then 3 years
> tops and actually the industry is moving towards to make them unfixable
> as well
> ( cheaper to jus throw it away and give you a new one )
> I think Germany is actually the only country that holds high standards
> in that regards
> ( as in requiring manufactures to build appliance that lasts )

My main computer is from 2003 and still works fine. My notebook from 2008 
obviously also still works (and I intend to use it until at least 2018 if it 
keeps working), and in fact even my old laptop from 1998 still technically 
works, too, I just stopped using it, and the evergrowing memory requirements 
of software have a lot to do with that (as does the lack of care given to 
drivers like s3virge).

        Kevin Kofler

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