On Sat, 2012-11-10 at 06:40 +0100, Ralf Corsepius wrote:

> > Is this really what you would like us to
> > do, or are you just compulsively contradicting whatever you can?
> Neither. I am simply deeply convinced that one of Linux traditional 
> domains and key feature had been "not being as resource demanding" as 
> competing OSes and that loosing it "just because that's the way it is" 
> is a severe long term mistake.

It's a good thing that I didn't actually suggest that then, isn't it?

Linux still performs far better than Windows on low resource machines.
The fact that all hardware marches on over time doesn't change that. I'm
running four server boxes on a VM host which has 4GB of RAM. I used to
fit them in 1.5GB, and still could if I had to. I wouldn't want to try
that with Windows.

I'm not saying we should just design to whatever the latest Alienware
state of the art box is. All I said was that Kevin was taking things to
extremes by citing the requirements of a nine year old release. Unless
you think Kevin's post was a perfectly sensible one and I was wrong to
call BS on it...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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