On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 09:13:32AM -0800, Jesse Keating wrote:
> As far as Anaconda reverted in the future, I'm confused as to
> when/where this became a requirement.
I think he's saying this because:

1) Features have a section for contingency plans.
2) In this particular case, we're slipping schedule because the NewUI
   feature has a point where there stopped being a contingency plan.  We
   passed that point before being aware of all of these issues that need to
   be fixed in order to release Fedora.

Being stricter about having viable contingency plans for features like
this (ones that require coordination and can potentially block us if they
aren't done/done correctly) is one possible way to address this type of
situation in the future.

Others are to alter the "time-based" release philosophy for certain
features (We are going to have Feature X in Fedora 19.  If it isn't ready,
we're going to slip the release date until it is done.)  To only let in
a feature with no contingency plan only when it is code complete and can be
evaluated outside of the Fedora tree first (anaconda devs state that they do
not actually have the manpower to implement this style of solution).


- Note: I considered adding "have a longer release cycle" to the list of
  alternatives but it's not clear that we wouldn't still get into this
  situation (FESCo/releng/QA finding out at beta freeze that Feature X lacks
  certain capabilities that are considered essential while the team
  responsible for the feature had considered that it was something that
  could safely be put off until the next release.  Being unable to revert
  the feature at that point and so having to code the missing capabilities
  on a rushed schedule at that point.)

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