On Thu, 2012-11-08 at 20:47 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> On 11/08/2012 08:40 PM, David Lehman wrote:
> > No. It is an inevitable consequence of the feature set demanded of the
> > Fedora OS installer.
> >
> > If thing A must be able to set up and configure thing B and thing B
> > changes in ways directly related to said configuration, how can you
> > reasonably expect thing A to continue to be able to configure thing B
> > without corresponding changes? Magic?
> I'm all for magic but I would expect specific configuration package(s) 
> and or a configuration template tailored for the component being install 
> which the installer might use or the package himself would simply do it 
> post install.
> Are there any specific use case where that would not suffice?

One example of such a configuration package used to be
system-config-firewall. Where is it now? What would happen if the
installer were still calling "lokkit" to set up the firewall? It
wouldn't work because the way that's handled has changed.

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