On Thu, 2012-11-08 at 06:42 -0600, Conan Kudo (ニール・ゴンパ) wrote:

> Regardless of all that, we need to be better about communicating that
> we use a feature-based release scheme as opposed to a time-based
> release scheme. There are trade-offs to both approaches, but at least
> with clear communication, we set the right expectations.

We don't, really. The schedule is still broadly time-based. For other
recent releases, there has been substantial pressure to push the release
once the slip reached 3 weeks, regardless of quality. And we absolutely
don't wait for all features to be 'done' to ship a release. 18 isn't
getting delayed because newUI is a Feature and it's not Done, but
because newUI is a feature _that happens to be a rewrite of the
installer_, the most critical part of the distribution. Even the most
time-focused people on Board, FESCo, QA etc teams have been agreed that
what we've had so far is just not shippable from a quality POV. 18 isn't
held up because its features aren't done, it's held up because we just
can't ship something with the current bug set and lack of an upgrade
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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