> >* A release for general users with low volume of security fixes and
> >important bug fixes.
> >** Bug fixes would be pushed monthly and QA would be performed on
> >this monthly batch of updates.
> Some packages need more than bug fix updates (unless you are taking a
> very
> broad view of what a bug is). We haven't done a very good job of
> having
> a consistent interpretation with the current update policy. Giving
> the
> proposal below, this will be a more important issue than it is now.
You are right, some types of packages would deserve more frequent updates even 
if they are not just bugfixes. Typically end-user applications like Firefox or 
LibreOffice, if there is no major UI/functionality change. Fedora Stable is 
intended for conservative users, but it's still Fedora, so reasonable minor 
changes would be fine.

> >* Released every 18 months, supported for 18+2 months (2 months to
> >give people time to upgrade to the next Fedora Stable).
> >** Why 18 months? Because for general users it is annoying to
> >upgrade every year, but OTOH our package maintainers wouldn't
> >probably like supporting 2-year-old packages. 18 months is still an
> >increase from current 12 months of support, but if we stop
> >releasing two parallel stable releases, we can make the support
> >longer with the same energy spent.
> We are going to take a marketing hit doing this.

Probably yes.

But, to tell the truth, we're getting a lot of marketing by postpoing F18 as 
well. There might be a lot of other ways to do marketing.

> >** Just one stable release instead of two. Can anyone tell me a
> >compelling argument for having two stable releases (F16, F17) in
> >parallel? I don't see any. The current model probably evolved
> >because we wanted new software fast, but upgrading every 6 months
> >would discourage a lot of users. Let's be honest - yes, it will
> >contain old packages and yes, it is intended for conservative
> >users. For the other group we will have Fedora Rolling.
> We provide extra flexibility in letting users decide when they want
> to do
> upgrades to stay in support. It's not only letting them use a release
> for
> about a year if they want, but also to do the upgrade at a time where
> they
> can conveniently deal with any issues.

That's a good argument. Currently they have 7 months to do the upgrade. With my 
proposal, they have 2 months. Unless they want to run a system without security 
patches for some time. So maybe we could extend the time we provide security 

> >* More reliable upgrades, although less convenient for power users.
> >Instead of current way of often-broken system upgrades, our upgrade
> >tool would install a clean system, remount /home, and try to
> >install all GUI applications that the user had manually installed
> >in his previous system.
> This seems to be independent of the proposal to have only one stable
> release.


> This tool is still not going to be able to do magic and there will be
> config
> things that still need to be redone. Third party repos will still be
> an issue.

It's a clean installation, I don't think it needs any magic. Also third-party 
repos are not a problem, we just ignore them and they won't influence the new 
system. People will add them manually again once in 18 months.

> >** This process would also allow Anaconda devs to continuously work
> >on the installer and update it continuously with core system
> >changes. Currently they can't work on Rawhide because "Rawhide is
> >just broken". Fedora Rolling would allow them that.
> I don't think that is the issue. They work in branched because they
> don't
> have the man power to also be working in rawhide at the same time and
> since
> anaconda is sensitive to the version of other packages, they want to
> be
> developing against what's going to be in the next release.

Yes, but this would reduce the surprise moment when Fedora is being Branched 
and Anaconda team discovers that 1337 things changed in Rawhide since the last 
stable release.
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