On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 11:33 -0800, Jef Spaleta wrote:
> an you point me to the relevant discussion for any critical
> functionality patches which were actually submitted to the upstream
> projects in question and were rejected.
> My existing understanding is that unity can operate without any vendor
> patches being applied outside of compiz, and the patches to compiz
> have been upstreamed.
> Everything else is enhanced functionality that is non-critical.
> Particularly the xorg patches, as I am not aware of any critical xorg
> patches that exist. Obviously the utouch stuff, regardless of its
> upstream nature, is not critical functionality.
> That being said, I'm pretty confident the maintainers of the impacted
> packages are not going to take on substantial non-upstream patch sets
> to Xorg and Gnome. It really goes against the upstream what is
> reasonable ethos of this distribution.  I'll remind you again that
> Unity isn't packaged in Debian for a reason. I would suggest this deep
> vendor patching of shared components is part of that reason.

I haven't looked at current unity, but the gmenu and gapplication work
that has been included in glib/gtk+ in the last cycle should let them
drop most of their menu-related patches.

This work was done in cooperation with Canonical, and we've invested
considerable effort into narrowing the gap - or preventing it from
becoming a permantent rift.

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