On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 20:29 +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> On 07/19/2012 07:01 PM, Jussi Lehtola wrote:
> > Lol, as if that isn't enough, looks like they ship their own version of
> > GCC 4.6 as well in the repo...
> I don't know what Ubuntu has been doing so far, but to be fair, probably 
> all major Linux distros and, on a more general scope probably all OSes 
> ship their own (more or less heavily modified) versions of GCC for many 
> years - Neither Fedora nor RH are exceptions from this.

Right, but the point is they're not using the Fedora one even though the
packages are for Fedora. At a guess, bits of the Unity stack aren't
ported to GCC 4.7 yet. Though it's usually not _too_ difficult to patch
things to build okay with 4.7.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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