On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 08:36:31AM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Thorsten Leemhuis <fed...@leemhuis.info> 
> wrote:
> > Josh Boyer wrote on 19.06.2012 13:42:

> >> Because you can't click on the link and read about the feature where
> >> it describes this in detail?
> >
> > You can, but immediately getting the most relevant information makes
> > life a bit easier for those on the receiving side. That is a nice
> > gesture and shows that you value the time and interest of the readers.
> > For afaics similar reasons most people here (you including) trim email
> > replies and reply inline, as that makes communication a little bit
> > easier, which is nice in these hectic times.
> That's fine.  I don't consider it something required for approval
> though.  It's at best a filter so people don't click links they don't
> find interesting.

A proper name also avoids confusion, for example when people usually use
a three letter acronym like DNF for something else. Or as shown with the
Clojure feature it creates confusion, because Clojure is already
included in Fedora, but the feature is about including the full stack.
Same with DNF if it will become the default, then using "DNF" again as a
feature name would not work.

The approval by FESCo is afaics the first time a feature gets properly
announced. Therfore the title should be well chosen at that time already
to avoid confusion by renaming the feature afterwards.

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