Good day all, 

Thanks to everyone who was able to participate in our VFAD this afternoon. 
Below is a summary of the results:

The following RC1 images 
( worked as 
expected and all tests were successful:

Pandaboard w/serial console & SD
Trimslice Bare/Value Pro/H/H250 w/serial console & SD
Trimslice Pro/H/H250 w/serial console & SD/SATA
Highbank w/serial console & SATA
Kirkwood(Guruplug) w/serial console & MicroSD

The following images had issues that should be resolved in RC2:

Versatile Express(Qemu) - Did not boot, kernel oops. Resolved in RC2.
Versatile Express+XFCE (Qemu) - Did not boot, kernel oops. Resolved in RC2.
Pandaboard+XFCE w/SD - The RC1 image incorrectly booted to multi-user mode. 
Fixed in RC2. Using the GUI, options to reboot/shutdown, automatic mounting and 
updating failed with an authentication error. Bug to be filed.

The following images had issues that require further investigation/action:

Beagleboard XM w/SD - Booted successfully on a Rev B board, subsequent boots 
produce a kernel oops. Failed to boot using a Rev A2 board.
Efika SmartTop iMX w/SD - Booted successfully, subsequent boots produce a 
kernel oops.

The unofficial nightly images for the Raspberry Pi 
( were also tested:

Raspberry Pi w/SD - Works as expected.
Raspberry Pi+XFCE - X not installed. To be resolved in future nightly images.

The full results and tests performed can be found here -

New images for RC2 are being created now! 
Due to the overwhelming success of today, we are holding another VFAD next week:

Fedora 17 - RC2 image validation VFAD
Monday June 18th - 12pm EDT
#fedora-arm on Freenode

Special thanks to the participants today, and we hope you can join us next 

On behalf of the Fedora ARM Team, 
devel mailing list

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