On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 08:34:29AM +0200, Haïkel Guémar wrote:
> Seems that some people unhappy with the "Beefy Miracle" are trying to
> make sure that we won't ever had any nice and fluffy codename.
* some people are just unhappy with the release names altogether.
* some people are unhappy with the particular method we use to choose them
* and yes, some people were unhappy with Beefy Miracle in particular

I'll note that the people who were unhappy with Beefy Miracle in particular
weren't the same people who started talking about removing code names.

As for the poll -- The Board has heard a lot of people asking to remove code
names but is unsure if thats just because thats the group that happen to
subscribe to the mailing list in question.  We figured that having a poll
that ran in parallel to the naming election would give a good idea of
whether conributors were actually in favor of keeping release names.  If
that's the case, we'll take a look at revising the process of selecting
names since it seemed that many people had issues with the names that do get
generated and wanted to change those in some way.


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