Voting for the Fedora 18 release names has begun.  You can find the
potential names in the voting application:

If you are a Fedora contributor (defined as having signed the FPCA and being
in one other Fedora group in the account system) then you are eligilbe to

This cycle, the Board is also asking contributors to let us know if we
should continue to have release names for future Fedora releases.  Even
though the interface is the same, this portion is intended to be a poll
rather than a straight up vote.  The Fedora Board will look at the answers
to determine if enough contributors value continuing to create release names
to make it worthwhile in the future.  If it does seem desirable, the Board
will likely look into forming a working group to come up with a new method
for creating release names for future releases.

The poll for keeping release names is also found in the voting application:

Eligibility to answer the poll is the same as for being able to vote on the
names themselves (having signed the FPCA and being in one other group).


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