On Mar 20, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:

> I hate analogies, but no, the first step is working out in a gym to make sure 
> you're in fit enough shape to go up the mountain.

As a distractor from long, heated threads, and mountain person - gym bunnies 
get to altitude and implode routinely. If you want to be in shape for 
mountains, climb lots of stairs. I guess gyms have stair masters. Even dinky 
hills around here in Aspen get the heart to 90% MHR easily. So you need to work 
at getting to and maintaining high heart rates. Advance acclimation helps also.

But this *requirements* thread is about acclimation, planning and anticipating 
the challenges of the climb. Serious climbs may involve days or months of this. 
So if the analogy holds, a lot of advance work has to be done before ARM 
actually is promoted to primary. This isn't the go, no-go meeting, or gear-up 
time. This is the shopping list.

Now the ultra ridiculous: How about secondary architecture requirements demoted 
as-is to tertiary. And create substantially more aggressive requirements for 
secondary architecture (in which ARM would be placed), yet are not identical 
requirements to primary architecture requirements?

Chris Murphy
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