On 03/20/2012 12:03 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
Okay, but why is ARM-as-primary-arch an early step, and not near the
end?  Increasing the developer and engineering burden across the whole
project should not be done for a small target audience.

Really there is no beginning and no end, so we're somewhere in the middle ;-) ARM-as-secondary was earlier. ARM-as-primary is next. Fedora-on-tablets is later. Fedora-on-cellphones is later. The bottom line is that Fedora is an rpm-based native-built operating system, so ARM servers come first. Fedora isn't currently built to run efficiently and smoothly on embedded devices. That's okay, it's nice to have followup projects. Meanwhile ARM servers are going to be important too.

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / b...@redhat.com
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