On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:10 PM, darrell pfeifer <darrel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you continue to repeat the "eating babies" myth then it will become
> self-fulfilling.

I would humbly suggest that use of future tense is that sentence is
overly optimistic and is misleading. I think that sentence above reads
more accurately
if reconstructed using present perfect continuous tense to indicate
that the eating babies myth has been and continues to be
self-fulfilling instead of suggesting it has yet reached that state.

I however do not believe its a myth. I believe it is a tweetable
catchphrase which tries to encapsulate the nature of rawhide as a
collection of bits instead of having to point someone to a detailed
1000+ word essay that goes into details of the seasonal stability
nature rawhide. I do not think it inaccurate, but it may be overly
graphic and it always makes me hungry when I see it uttered.

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