On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 17:15, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 16:27 -0800, darrell pfeifer wrote:
> > As far as I've seen on the list, the /usr move stuff was supposed to
> > be confined by tagging to f17-usermove so it wouldn't affect rawhide
> > until the big switch was pulled.
> Yes. We just pulled the big switch. :)
The heads-up announcement that Harald did just over a week ago was a very
good thing.

>From the smileys it seems there is a recognition that the change is a big

It would be nice if

a) the date of the actual switch pulling had been announced in advance.
b) the (now modified) instructions in basic form were re-iterated on the
c) the switch was pulled at a time when the main people who made the change
were available rather than known to be away at a conference

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