On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 11:05 -0200, Henrique Junior wrote:
> I'm using Tumbleweed for some releases now and I'm amazed to see how
> smooth and painless openSUSE make it look to use and maintain. To
> them, it is basically just a repo, but, as Greg said, this "ease of
> maintain" is due to the openSUSE Build Service and I'm not sure this
> will be so easy in Fedora.

I don't think OBS does anything Koji doesn't, so far as this is
concerned. OBS' major 'feature' over Koji is that it can be used for
non-SUSE distros, but that's not relevant to the idea of doing a rolling
release of Fedora. It'd still be Fedora.

As others have pointed out, saying 'we have an awesome buildsystem so
making a rolling release is a breeze!' seems to be somewhat missing the
point. Producing a rolling release is about more than just firing off
builds into a repository, if you want to do it right.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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