On 01/30/2012 08:05 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
Fedora's huge advantage and huge disatvantage is the same - For a great number
of packages the package maintainer is upstream developer too.
This is great in my eyes, making all other distros not even coming close for
development purposes. But I agree that upstream developers
might be the weakest point because whenever we have to choose we will choose to
fix the upstream project FIRST. And sometimes there will be no time left for
Fedora because of real life.
And this is the weakest point - I myself would always prefer to fix a problem
upstream and not playing some dance to ship latest version on some rolling
distro or older-but-supported version.
Yes, for me F-(n-1) receives only security fixes though if someone wants he/she
can step in and do the rolling/old versions support.
That's not true. The packager decides when/if an update should be passed
on to n-1. Personally, in the packages I maintain stability is a primary
concern and updates to n-1 are very carefully considered. Having said
that if enough people make some noise of course I will update. I
*really* recommend that people should file bugs against the packages
that they think need updating. A rolling release is just creating more
work - I think there is better time spent focusing on the packages that
we/you need
So yes someone can count package maintainers as the weakest point - from a very
limited Fedora POV, if one looks on the big (Linux-wide) picture the
observations would be very different.
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