On 07/27/2011 06:20 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 06:43 -0400, Ric Wheeler wrote:
>>>> What specifically does systemd do that autofs does not do without it?
>>> I don't know if there is anything, but it's neat to get something like
>>> this 'free' with systemd, without having to add any other package.
>> It is fine for really simple use cases, but the complexity of what autofs 
>> does
>> for large deployments is huge....
>> I don't know enough about how systemd does the automount support, it might be
>> leveraging autofs?
> [adamw@adam ~]$ rpm -q autofs
> package autofs is not installed
> [adamw@adam ~]$
> apparently not.
> I really don't know - all's I know is it works, perfectly, for my simple
> case, and doesn't delay boot, which is more than any NFS mounting setup
> I could manage / be arsed to figure out prior to systemd.
> (also, you owe me a beer for egregious use of the word 'leverage' as a
> verb. :>)

You have lost that battle long ago, it is in some dictionaries as a verb 
already :)


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