Am 22.07.2011 23:18, schrieb Michal Schmidt:
> On Fri, 22 Jul 2011 19:48:29 +0200 Reindl Harald wrote:
>> and the same guy who pushed "pulseaudio" in a total unuseable state
>> to fedora instead finish his work and push it after that does is
>> the maintainer of systemd - so maybe if we would not have the
>> expierience how long it takes until the things are working
>> as expected we would not be so hard with our comments
>> his attitude in case of usability is sometimes "strange"
> Hey, that's my comment and it shows no attitude at all. It's a
> completely neutral question with the purpose to understand what the
> problem is.

sorry - yes THIS is your comment

but i know many answers of Lennart in contect of systemd which are unacceptable 
and showing that he means that the
world should be turned around systemd and all existing things which do not work 
as clean as they did before systemd
are faulty and have to be fixed

look at my othe rpoints from today - this are all things which were never a 
now we are some months after F15/systemd and they are still dirty, ugly or call 
it waht you like

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