
I am planning to package funnel, a software for online submissions and
voting of talks as part of the FUDCon India effort. One if its
dependencies is flask-mail[0] and in turn, lamson[1] is a dependency
for it which was already in Fedora briefly but now it's orphaned due
to some resistance from upstream. Without packaging lamson, we cannot
package many modules that are dependent on it. Debian[2], Ubuntu and
others distros have however packaged it already. What is the best way
forward? Should I go ahead and package it and if so, should it be
called lamson or python-lamson?

[0] http://packages.python.org/Flask-Mail/
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=502556
[2] http://packages.debian.org/unstable/python-lamson

Thanks and Regards.
Praveen Kumar
devel mailing list

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