Adam Jackson <ajax <at>> writes:

> On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 11:11 +0000, JB wrote:
> > My suggestion is that you keep both init systems, SysV/LSB and systemd,
> > as separate offerings out of many, and forever so.
> We'll take that under advisement.
> - ajax
I am actually not discouraged.

The current state of systemd is "neither here nor there", and will never be 
"there" as designed now, from the conceptual and technical point of view.
They have learned some stuff during these discussions here that clarified
the project's goals as they were and should be.

I think they know it - they are good system programmers.

There is nothing wrong with taking a breather, reflecting, and making a second
approach. In particular, if their testing platform is Fedora and they can
easily turn around now, without any problems.
In my eyes that would be a sign of maturity on their part.

We would give the systemd people a chance to do it right, big way !
They would have a great opportunity to show their talent in full by utilizing 
all that UNIX/Linux offers in system programming models and tools.


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