On Mon, 18.07.11 21:57, Richard W.M. Jones (rjo...@redhat.com) wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 02:46:30PM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> > This article recommends ending /etc/sysconfig
> > 
> > http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/on-etc-sysinit.html
> I'm sympathetic to Lennart's arguments, but really this should be
> discussed and decided in the context of a real, open forum, drawing
> interested people from all of the Linux distros (possibly BSD etc
> too).  Perhaps LSB?

Whether to get rid of /etc/sysconfig is a decision for Fedora and only
Fedora, since it's a Fedoraism. Other distros have similar dirs, but
under different names and with different contents.

LSB has no beef with this really, since the question is whether to get
rid of it -- not whether to standardize it. 

> So I don't think changes like this, and /etc/machine-id, and
> /etc/os-release and others should come by fiat, although (again) I'm
> very sympathetic to why these things are being done.

These interfaces introduced by systemd are actually discussed in quite
some detail on the systemd irc channel and mailing list. It's a very
open forum, you are welcome to join.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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