Matt Domsch wrote: > But the procedure lacks a key component - > identifying, through Fedora Project-maintained efforts (and not my own > private efforts), the list of pacakges that FTBFS. That could be a > rel-eng mass rebuild run. That could be a stand-alone rebuild effort. > I'm not going to dictate. I have had some interest from individuals > asking how they could help, but they seemed to be daunted by the need > for a good deal of builder resources to do a mass rebuild in a > reasonable amount of time. And unfortunately, I'm not in a position > to put the builders I scrounged up on the public internet for use.
I wonder if this could be done by distributed volunteer computing, perhaps as a BOINC project. From a security veiwpoint it may not be a good idea to install packages that have been built on some random dude's computer, but that's not a problem if we'll build them just to check that the build process works and won't actually use the built packages. Björn Persson
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