Am 02.06.2011 16:04, schrieb drago01:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 01.06.2011 22:54, schrieb Ville Skyttä:
>>> I'd like to have bash-completion included in F-16's default install.  In
>>> my opinion it's in a good enough shape for that already now, and with my
>>> upstream hat on I expect things to further improve before F-16 is out.
>>> Why I'm writing here is that I'd like to hear opinions to which
>>> default-installed comps group should it be added (and set as default
>>> there) - in my opinion the serious candidates are admin-tools and base.
>>>  admin-tools doesn't sound right because bash-completion is not really
>>> an admin tool (unless one considers interactive shell usage as admin
>>> activity in general), so I'm inclined to add it to base.
>>> Thoughts?
>> PLEASE do not make a basic-install larger with something what maybe for 
>> someone
>> nice, thats from a user which installs "bash-completion" on each machine 
>> after
>> setup, there are people out there using other shells and the base-setup has 
>> to
>> be as small as possible
> That wouldn't be a hard dep you can just uninstall it

so PLEASE install a new fedora and remove anything not needed for
ssh, rsync, scp and tell me how long it takes to find all of them

what you do with such a machine:
decide what services you will install on this bare setup or
using as it is as backup-host where rsync is enough

much of them you can only find with trial and error by look  what yum
says to a "yum remove" because "package-cleanup --leaves" does not
find most things without "lib" in the name

and then tell why the count of unneeded base-packages should be increased
remember: "base" is defined the absoloutly minimum to boot a system and
log in as root!

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