On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 08:35 +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

> > Since I don't know any OCaml and this package probably needs to
> > combine 3 versions and label multiple binaries, I shouldn't
> > volunteer to build this as my first package.  But I'd be happy to do
> > some manual builds and share notes if that would be useful.
> There was a reason for splitting it in the first place which is to do
> with (in-)compatibility between the versions.  Because the protocol
> sometimes changes incompatibly between releases and because we want to
> interoperate with servers which may be running different versions, we
> need to package up the different versionse separately.  However this
> is a big pain to maintain, not least because whenever a new
> incompatible version comes along we have to apply for a new Unison
> package to be added to Fedora(!)
> It's probably going to be better to do something with multiple source
> files in a single 'unison' package building multiple sub-packages.
> Anyhow if you want to co-maintain it, please check the boxes at
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/list/unison*

FWIW, I'm in this mess too, but I was lazy and decided to just hack up
the spec to build the version I need locally rather than do anything to
'properly' fix up the packages.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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