Fabio Valentini venit, vidit, dixit 2025-03-11 17:01:15:
> Hi all,
> It's this time of the year again. Looks like there's quite a few
> updates that were submitted to Fedora 41 but not to Fedora 42 and / or
> Rawhide.
> Some seem to be either caused by confusion about the ongoing freeze,
> but a lot are just ... missing. And packit seems to be a major
> offender here.
> Full list of package downgrades from Fedora 41 -> 42 included below.
> Please take a look and fix things. We don't want users to get
> downgraded to older package versions on upgrade from Fedora 41 to 42.

Given the many packit related ones - does packit have a concept of
"follow Fedora release branching" (like COPR), or do packit users have
to update their config after a branch event?

Also, does packit "gate" in the sense:

build on rawhide && push to F42 || warn user

Otherwise, packit should be considered harmful ;-)

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