On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 02:09:51PM +0100, Fabio Valentini wrote:
> Workflow with non-vendored dependencies:
> - update library or backport fix
> - submit rebuilds of dependent applications (with rpmautospec, those
> are no-change commits)
> Workflow with vendored dependencies:
> - check out application and vendored sources
> - patch vendored sources
> - repeat checkout / patching for *every affected application*
> Yes, Neal, making changes so that no-change rebuilds don't require git
> commits would make workflow 1 even more streamlined. Waiting for your
> proposal on how to achieve this ;)

At the fundamental level, such automation would effectively do two
1. create a no-change commit like we do now,
2. push the commit and fire off a build.

(I think we want to keep 1. unchanged. We need to store the information
why did the rebuild and why _somewhere_. Either we keep the current
mechanism which works well and is easy for humans to interact with,
or we store this information in some external database and create new
tools to query this. I don't think we want to do this.)

There is potential to make 2. nicer. In particular, I think we should
allow a most "devops" workflow, where a package can make a commit
with additional metadata that will result in a build being started
automatically. For Rawhide we already have the automation to automatically
create a bodhi update from a successful build, do CI, and automatically
push the update to stable if it passes the tests.

I would love to see automation that'd allow me to request a build
when the commit reaches a branch.

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