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This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
Remove the `fips-mode-setup` command provided by the `crypto-policies`
package. The functionality it currently performs will be partially
removed, partially replaced by automation.

== Owner ==
* Name: Clemens Lang
* Email:

== Detailed Description ==
`fips-mode-setup` in the `crypto-policies` package is currently used
to switch Fedora systems into FIPS mode. FIPS mode is designed to
change cryptographic components in Fedora (the kernel's crypto API,
OpenSSL, NSS, GnuTLS, and libgcrypt) to comply with the United States
[ Federal Information Processing
Standards requirements for cryptographic modules, better known as FIPS

We propose removing this utility. Instead, systems should be placed
into FIPS mode using one of the following methods:

* Pass `fips=1` on the kernel command line of the Anaconda installer
(i.e., install in FIPS mode)
* Use the `osbuild-composer` image build functionality with the
<pre>[customizations]\n fips=true</pre> customization to build an
image in FIPS mode
* Use `bootc` as documented at

This will remove all tooling to switching in and out of FIPS mode
after installation. Switching after installation is a bad idea anyway,
see below for the rationale. Switching out of FIPS mode without
reinstalling does not make sense from a compliance point of view.

=== Context information on FIPS ===
For compliance with these standards, the cryptographic modules must be
submitted to the
Cryptographic Module Validation Program] run by the US National
Institute of Standards and Technology. Such certifications are lengthy
efforts involving a company accredited to perform review and testing
before submission, the so-called Cryptographic and Security Testing
Laboratories (CSTLs). It takes upwards of a year to receive a
certification, and costs a mid five-figure sum per CPU architecture to
do this. Due to lack of funding and the fast pace of Fedora, Fedora's
modules are not submitted. As a consequence, FIPS mode on Fedora is
useful for testing only. Several distributions downstream of Fedora
(RHEL, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux), perform their own FIPS

Occasionally, users think that enabling FIPS mode improves security.
While running in FIPS mode does enable some additional checks and
disables some older algorithms, we see FIPS mode as a compliance tool,
not as a security tool. In some situations, enabling FIPS mode
actually '''decreases''' security: for example, LUKS disk encryption
normally uses the modern GPU-resistant Argon2 key derivation function,
but because it is not FIPS-approved, it falls back to the older and
generally considered weaker PBKDF2 in FIPS mode. FIPS mode also does
not allow the use of Curve25519 for key exchange (used by default in
TLS 1.3), or the ChaCha20-Poly1305 authenticated encryption algorithm
(again, used in TLS 1.3) both of which are considered modern and good.
We do not recommend running FIPS mode to "improve security". A
well-configured crypto policy is a much better tool to limit the use
of legacy algorithms without the side effect of disabling newer
non-US-specified algorithms.

=== Why remove `fips-mode-setup`? ===
To correctly switch a system to FIPS mode, multiple knobs need to be adjusted:

* The system-wide cryptographic policy needs to be `FIPS` or based on it
* The `fips` dracut initramfs module needs to be enabled to run an
integrity test (a FIPS 140 requirement) on the kernel image, followed
by re-generating the initramfs
* The kernel command line needs to contain `fips=1` to switch the
kernel to FIPS mode (which also enables a slower FIPS-compliant DRBG)
* If `/boot` is on a separate partition, a
`boot=UUID=<uuid-of-boot-partition>` flag needs to be added to the
kernel command line for the `fips` dracut initramfs module to be able
to find the expected message authentication code for the kernel

This process is somewhat brittle due to the number of different
changes that need to be made. Additionally, `fips-mode-setup
--disable`, which only exists for testing purposes because the
compliance requirements do not support switching systems out of FIPS
mode, does not undo adding the `fips` module to the initramfs to avoid
a risk that the system will no longer boot afterwards.
`fips-mode-setup --check` subsequently reports an inconsistent
configuration, which is frequently confusing users.

This user confusion is one of the reasons why we propose to remove this tool.

Instead, we will turn the `fips=1` kernel command line flag into the
single source of truth for whether FIPS mode is enabled. We have
already removed or will remove some of the separate knobs and instead
automate them to follow the single source of truth:

* The system-wide cryptographic policy will automatically follow the
`fips=1` kernel command line flag to remove the need for the manual
switch previously performed by `fips-mode-setup`. This is
already implemented by a dracut module], which will add two
bind-mounts before pivoting to the root filesystem if the system is in
FIPS mode, but the crypto-policy is not.
* For systems that are not started using dracut (e.g., containers with
systemd), the `crypto-policies` package ships
`fips-crypto-policy-overlay.service`, which runs early during boot and
also applies these bind mounts. See This change is
independent of this change proposal, and we will pursue this
regardless of whether the community agrees that this change is a good
idea, since it does make sense as a separate incremental improvement.
* Containers started using `podman` on hosts in FIPS mode did already
create these bind mounts, but we are also modernizing that, see
containers/common#2130] and
* The `crypto-policies` package has been adjusted to detect and handle
this situation during upgrades and when `update-crypto-policies --set`
is called manually. This also improves the behavior of
`update-crypto-policies --set` in containers in FIPS mode, which was a
lot more brittle before.
* We will enable the dracut `fips` module on all systems. This is
required for unified kernel images anyway. The `fips` dracut module
does nothing if the system is not in FIPS mode (i.e., `fips=1` is not
on the kernel command line).

The other big reason for removing `fips-mode-setup` is that it allows
switching to FIPS mode after installation, which means that certain
algorithmic choices have already been made. For example, `cryptsetup`
will use PBKDF2 as key derivation function in FIPS setup, but Argon2
otherwise. A system with LUKS disk encryption initially set up outside
of FIPS mode but switched into FIPS mode later using `fips-mode-setup`
would end up in one of two states: either, non-compliant due to the
use of Argon2, or unbootable in case the cryptographic library refuses
the attempt to use Argon2. OpenSSH is also affected during
installation or first system boot with its hostkey algorithm choices.
Additionally, even keys that would be usable in FIPS mode must be
considered tainted on systems switched to FIPS mode after
installation, because key generation behaves different in FIPS mode
(e.g., all RSA keys would have to be thrown away and re-generated).

For these reasons, we have come to the conclusion that the only sane
way to create a system in FIPS mode, is to install it in FIPS mode.
`fips-mode-setup` is therefore actively harmful.

== Feedback ==
Users that do not care about compliance but only run Fedora in FIPS
mode for testing may not want to reinstall from scratch just for that
purpose. For these cases, and when the above limitations are well
understood, the `fips=1` kernel command line flag can be modified
directly, e.g. using

<pre>grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="fips=1 boot=UUID=$(blkid
--output value --match-tag UUID "$(findmnt --first --noheadings -o
SOURCE /boot)")"</pre>

The `boot=UUID=<partition-uuid>` part of this command is only required
if `/boot` is a separate partition, because the `fips` dracut
initramfs module will otherwise not be able to locate the message
authentication code to verify the integrity of the kernel image.

Users that do not care about compliance that want to switch systems
out of FIPS mode can equally use grubby to remove the `fips=1` kernel
command line flag.

== Benefit to Fedora ==
* Upstream testing on systems in FIPS mode will use consistent
algorithm choices everywhere.
* Misconfigurations such as the use of the Argon2 key derivation
function for LUKS disk encryption in FIPS mode will be reduced.
* Misconfigurations such as the use of a non-FIPS system-wide
cryptographic policy in FIPS mode will automatically be avoided
* Maintenance for `fips-mode-setup` can be stopped, freeing up
resources for other changes

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: Most of the changes mentioned above are incremental
improvements that made sense on their own and have already landed.
Removal of the `fips-mode-setup` tool is the remaining step that could
not be done without a change proposal and TBD.
* Other developers: No further changes are expected from other
developers. From a user point of view, FIPS mode will continue to work
as it did before. The only change is on how to enable FIPS mode. The
anaconda installer that used to invoke `fips-mode-setup` has already
been changed to call `/usr/libexec/fips-setup-helper` provided by the
`crypto-policies` package instead.
* Release engineering: [ #12472]
* Policies and guidelines: not needed for this Change
* Trademark approval: not needed for this Change
* Alignment with the Fedora Strategy: This simplifies the ecosystem
connections because it reduces the number of downstream changes.

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
Systems in FIPS mode that were configured to not use the FIPS
system-wide cryptographic policy will see their policy automatically
be changed to FIPS mode. Running in FIPS mode with a non-FIPS
crypto-policy is considered a misconfiguration.

Scripts that used `fips-mode-setup` will stop working after the upgrade.

== Early Testing (Optional) ==
Do you require 'QA Blueprint' support? No

== How To Test ==
Testers that will try the three methods outlined above to switch to
FIPS mode are welcome. From downstream testing, we expect no issues.

Using `dnf reinstall crypto-policies` on a system that has the two
bind-mounts for the FIPS crypto-policy (i.e., that's in FIPS mode but
its crypto-policy was not manually switched to `FIPS`) should pass
without issue, and the files in `/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends`
should correspond to those in
`/usr/share/crypto-policies/back-ends/FIPS`. We also expect no issues
here from downstream testing.

Testers that run Fedora containers with systemd on hosts in FIPS mode
(i.e., `/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled` contains `1`) both with
`podman` and with other container runtimes are very welcome.

== User Experience ==
Users will notice that `fips-mode-setup` no longer exists. Users that
want to switch systems to FIPS mode need to follow different steps.

At the same time, switching to FIPS mode now comes with fewer pitfalls
and fewer possibilities for misconfigurations and inconsistencies.

== Dependencies ==
The following packages have already adapted to this potential change
and will continue to work:

* `anaconda`
* `dracut`
* `podman`
* `crypto-policies` (in particular `update-crypto-policies` and the
package `%pre` and `%post` scriptlets)

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: We will keep `fips-mode-setup` and try again
next release
* Contingency deadline: beta freeze (or even later, if required)
* Blocks release? No

== Documentation ==

== Release Notes ==
The `fips-mode-setup` command that could be used to switch systems to
FIPS mode after installation has been removed.

Switching to FIPS mode after installation has subtle bugs and is no
longer recommended. To switch systems to FIPS mode,

* add `fips=1` to the kernel command line of the installer
* use `osbuild-composer` with the following customization to build a
FIPS-enabled image:
  fips = true
* use `bootc` and add the `fips=1` kernel command line flag in your
`Containerfile` as documented in the example at

To disable FIPS mode, re-install your system without enabling FIPS
mode. Disabling FIPS mode without reinstalling does not make sense
from a compliance point of view.

Aoife Moloney

Fedora Operations Architect

Fedora Project


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