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This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
The Intel SGX technology enables creation of execution enclaves, whose
memory is encrypted and thus protected from all other code running on
the CPU, including SMM, firmware, kernel and userspace. This proposal
is to introduce the SGX host software stack, architectural enclaves
and development packages to Fedora, to enable future introduction
applications and features which have a dependency on SGX technology.

The primary feature that will leverage SGX in a subsequent Fedora
release is expected to be Intel TDX, which provides confidential
virtual machines, and is in the process of being integrated with QEMU
and Linux/KVM.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:berrange| Daniel Berrange]]
* Email:

== Detailed Description ==

The Intel SGX technology enables creation of execution enclaves, whose
memory is encrypted and thus protected from all other code running on
the machine, including SMM, firmware, kernel and userspace. While it
has many potential use cases, this proposal is focused around the
infrastructure needed to enable support for attestation of TDX
confidential virtual machines.

The SGX software stack that is to be introduced can be categorized
into a number of distinct areas:

* Support for developing new enclaves
** Header files for the enclave code (a minimalist C library, C++
library, crypto and some other misc libraries)
** Static library archives for linking into the enclave binaries.
** Build helper tools (for signing enclaves, generating code enclave
API entrypoints)
* Support for developing applications that use enclaves, eg to be able
to load and communicate with enclaves.
** Header files for platform code
** Dynamic libraries for platform code
* Support for deploying applications that use enclaves
** Enclave service daemon - assists unprivileged applications in
loading enclaves
** Registration tools - assists platform administrator in acquiring
certificates from Intel servers to identity the platform
** Quote generation daemon - assists QEMU in acquiring signed
attestation reports for TDX VMs.

The code and binaries related to the host OS platform components will
be installed in the normal filesystem locations common to all Fedora
packages. e.g. libraries in '''/usr/lib64''', headers in
'''/usr/include''' and binaries in '''/usr/bin'''.

For the purposes of packaging, the enclaves will be
treated as cross-compilation target]. While the compiler build
architecture target is '''x86_64''', the runtime has custom C / C++
libraries that must be used, and requires a separate code loader, all
completely separate from any existing Fedora libraries. Enclaves
cannot be directly linked to applications, they are strictly
independent & self-contained ELF binaries.

With this in mind, following the example of MinGW64 packages living
under '''/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw''', all enclave related headers and
libraries are proposed to be placed under '''/usr/x86_64-intel-sgx''',
specifically the '''lib64''' and '''include''' sub-directories. There
is no concept of executable binaries for enclaves, only libraries, nor
ancillary data files. Thus no '''bin''' or '''share''' directories are
required under this location. The installation tree locations will be
defined in RPM macros provided by the '''sgx-srpm-macros''' package

The generated binary packages will generally all have an ''sgx-''
prefix to their name, with those containing exclusively enclave
related content having the more specialized ''sgx-enclave-'' name

For reasons of brevity, this change proposal does not go far into all
technical details of SGX. For a deeper understanding of SGX enclaves
beyond this proposal, [
consult this companion document].

== Feedback ==

* '''Feedback:''' ''The SGX technology can be used as a way to
implement DRM. Notable example has been BluRay playback.''.
'''Answer:''' As with many technologies, it is possible to use SGX in
ways that are both positive and negative, wrt the owner / users of a
machine. Use of SGX for DRM in BluRay playback is hostile to the
owner/user of a machine. This change is '''NOT''' proposing to
introduce / support any such usage/applications in Fedora. The fact
that bad uses of SGX may exist outside of Fedora, is no justification
for rejecting the use of SGX in Fedora when applied to scenarios that
can offer features directly benefiting Fedora's users.

* '''Feedback:''' ''The SGX enclave code is not open source, because
it requires a vendor signature on output binaries''. '''Answer:''' All
of the SGX code is made available under a variety open source licenses
(Apache, BSD, MIT, GPL & more), which are fully approved by Fedora.
One of the architectural enclaves, '''pce''', requires an Intel
signature because it is used to establish the root of trust with the
hardware. In their role of bootstrapping use of SGX hardware, the
architectural enclaves are a type of firmware, and it is normal for
firmware to have a vendor signature. In contrast to almost all
firmware which is proprietary, the architectural enclave code is all
under Fedora approved OSS licenses. All of the architectural enclaves,
can be rebuilt from source by a user, with customizations, signed with
a user specified key and then loaded if desired. There are some subtle
limitations if attempting this, documented in
[[Virt/SGXEnclaves#Rebuilding_&_self-signing_architectural_enclaves |
the companion document]], but the code is none the less all OSS.

== Benefit to Fedora ==
As a general purpose infrastructure technology, SGX can be applied to
/ used by a wide variety of scenarios / applications.

In the context of this change proposal, '''no application''' usage is
intended to be introduced, the focus is around general software
infrastructure enablement.

A followup change proposal (for a subsequent Fedora release) will be
made to introduce Intel TDX confidential virtual machines, which is
anticipated to be the first end user facing application of SGX
technology. Attestation is the means by which a guest VM owner can
prove that their VM machine is running in confidential mode on genuine
Intel hardware, as opposed to in a faked "blue pill" environment. All
currently shipping Intel CPUs which support TDX build attestation on
top of SGX with OSS enclave code (the '''tdqe''' enclave), as opposed
to embedding attestation in proprietary firmware which is the approach
taken by other vendors for confidential computing. NB, the '''tdqe'''
enclave and '''qgs''' daemon will be included in this proposal, but
will remain unused until this followup TDX support is integrated with

It is well known that SGX technology can be applied is to build DRM
systems which allow 3rd party organizations to control what users do
with their machines. This proposal '''MUST NOT''' be interpreted as
endorsing such use cases. Such DRM systems would almost certainly rely
on close source enclaves signed exclusively by a 3rd party org, and
could not be considered hardware enablement firmware. As such they
would not be eligible for inclusion in Fedora.

== Scope ==
=== Proposal owners===

The proposal owners will be introducing a number of new packages to
Fedora. Initially, no existing packages are likely to gain
dependencies on the new SGX packages. At a future date when TDX is
integrated into Fedora, one or more of the libvirt/qemu sub-RPMs may
gain a dependency on certain SGX packages needed to support TDX.

The important new packages will be

* '''sgx-srpm-macros''': this will produce a binary RPM of the same
name, containing RPM macros that define the directory locations for
SGX enclaves under '''/usr/x86_64-intel-sgx'''. These macros will be
consumed by other RPMs that deal with enclave pacakging
* '''linux-sgx''': this provides the full SGX software stack,
including the enclave development libraries and headers, host OS
development libraries and headers, supporting host OS build tools, and
various host OS runtime daemons/binaries. This package will include
'''unsigned''' builds of the architectural enclaves built using the
standard Fedora toolchain. Users could choose to sign these with their
own keys and deploy them, with the caveat noted earlier wrt the
'''pce''' enclave in particular. This package will result in creation
of many binary sub-RPMs for distinct components.
* '''linux-sgx-enclaves-prebuilt''': this provides solely the
pre-built, signed architectural enclaves. While they could be provided
as part of the '''linux-sgx''' package, it is split off to make it
simpler to update the architectural enclave independently of the main
software stack. This ability will be important if needing to ship a
new release of SGX enclaves for a security fix in stable Fedora
branches, without being forced to introduce updates of the host OS
software stack that may have inappropriate changes for pushing into an
existing stable branch.

==== Optional extra: reproducible builds ====

The SGX pre-built, signed architectural enclaves are built from code
entirely under Fedora approved OSS licenses and support a reproducible
build process. The upstream implementation of this process involves an
Ubuntu dockerfile that populates a NixOS build environment. With some
skilled work, it is possible to replicate an equivalent build
environment in the context of Fedora. It requires providing custom
builds of GCC, binutils, nasm, glibc (headers only) and kernel (uapi
headers only) at specific release versions, with specific build
configuration options and certain patches. Given such packages in
Fedora, it is then possible to perform a reproducible build that
successfully validates as matching the code payload of the pre-built,
signed architectural enclaves.

Maintaining such a reproducible build process in Fedora would have a
non-negligible maintenance overhead if done on an ongoing basis.
Originally it was thought that a reproducible build could be performed
in the same package that provides the pre-built enclave binaries, as a
way to block shipping of the pre-built binaries, unless proved to
match the source.

Given the requirements for specific toolchain versions, however, this
would impose considerable delays when shipping CVE updates in stable
Fedora branches. eg a newly issued pre-built enclave binary containing
a CVE fix, may imply use of newer GCC, binutils, nasm versions than
are currently available in the Fedora stable release. It is highly
undesirable to go through the new package process to add new
toolschain versions to stable Fedora, as a pre-requisite to ship CVE
fixes in a stable branch, even if the new package process were
expedited to avoid full re-review.

If a reproducible build were to be mandated, it would involve the
following additional packages in Fedora:

* '''sgx-compat-gccXXXX''' - one (or more) GCC builds at specified
designated versions required by the reproducible build
* '''sgx-compat-binutilsXXXX''' - one (or more) binutils builds at
specified designated versions required by the reproducible build
* '''sgx-compat-nasmXXXX''' - one NASM build at specified designated
versions required by the reproducible build
* '''sgx-compat-glibc-headersXXXX''' - one glibc build at specified
designated versions required by the reproducible build. Note only the
header files are required, no library build.
* '''sgx-compat-kernel-headersXXXX''' - one kernel build at specified
designated versions required by the reproducible build. Note only the
uapi header files are required, no vmlinux build
* '''sgx-enclaves-reproducibleXXX''' - one (or more) reproducible
builds of SGX architectural enclaves

Note, the need for multiple versions of GCC & binutils in the
reproducible build is an
[ upstream build
environment bug].

Note, the need for glibc & header headers is also a likely
[ upstream build
environment bug].

Note, the need for multiple '''sgx-enclaves-reproducibleXXX'''
versions in parallel is because not all enclaves re-issued on each
release. Only enclaves which have CVE fixes or functional changes get
re-issued as new pre-built, signed binaries. IOW to validate all
binary enclaves potentially requires doing reproducible builds of
multiple SGX releases.

=== Other developers===

Maintainers of the '''fedora-release''' package will need to review a
merge request that proposes new systemd unit file presets. See later
in this document for the details of units.

===Release engineering===

N/A - does not impact deliverables for releng

===Policies and guidelines===

Agreement is needed around the designation of the pre-built, signed
SGX architectural enclaves as firmware. Note, "'''architectural
enclaves'''" are being considered distinct from "'''application
enclaves'''" - the latter should be expected to build from source in
the normal manner & be signed by Fedora, if any such enclaves are ever
added to Fedora.

==== Architectural enclaves as firmware ====

Normal Fedora practice requires building everything from source. There
is a general exception to this for firmware blobs, which don't need to
be built from source and don't need to be under an OSS compliant
license as long as the binaries can be freely distributed. Hardware
firmware binaries almost always include a digital signature from the
vendor, to ensure that only trusted firmware is loaded onto the
device. Thus even if source code is available for a given firmware
binary, Fedora would still need to be shipping it as a pre-built
vendor supplied signed binary, in order to pass the cryptographic
verification checks typically performed by hardware when loading

Another example of shipping pre-built vendor binaries would be CPU
microcode. This could be considered firmware for the core CPU, and
again are vendor supplied, signed binaries, with no source code

The architectural enclaves satisfy the classical role of firmware, in
the context of the SGX technology, providing enablement for
application usage. Unusually for firmware they are made available with
100% of their code under Fedora approved OSS licenses. The
architectural enclaves, however, are still consumed as pre-built
signed binaries due to the need to establish a chain of trust rooted
back to Intel as the CPU hardware vendor.

'''Overall''', the architectural enclaves meet the definition of
firmware documented in the
Fedora licensing guidelines]:

# ''The files must be non-executable within the Fedora Linux context
(note: this means that the files cannot run on their own, not that
they are just chmod -x).'' ✅ enclave ELF binarjies must be loaded into
memory using the specialized SGX loader.
# ''The files must not be libraries, within the Fedora Linux
context.'' ✅ enclave ELF binaries must be loaded into memory using as
specialized SGX loader, the glibc ELF loader can not be used for this.
# ''The files must be standalone, not embedded in executable or
library code (within the Fedora Linux context).'' ✅ enclave binaries
are always standalone, self-contained files. They are consumed by
regular host software, but cannot be linked to Fedora platform
# ''The files must be necessary for the functionality of open source
code being included in Fedora Linux or to enable Fedora Linux to boot
on a specific device, where no other reliable and supported mechanisms
exist.'' ✅ the pre-built, signed '''architectural enclaves''' shipped
by Intel, serve to bootstrap the use of SGX technology by
applications. ❌  as higher level software services, other
'''application enclaves''' would not qualify.

Thus it should be permissible to ship the pre-built, signed
'''architectural enclaves''' binaries with no policy changes.

Conversely '''application enclaves''' should NOT be considered
firmware, and thus be required to follow the full Fedora packaging
guidelines. No '''application enclaves''' are anticipated for
inclusion in Fedora with this change proposal.

==== Reproducible build validation policy ====

Even if the view of '''architectural enclaves''' as firmware were to
be rejected, there is an alternative precedent that can justify
inclusion of the pre-built signed enclaves in Fedora.

In this case we consider the '''shim''' package, where Fedora builds a
binary from known good source, possibly with local patches, and sends
it off for signing by Microsoft, packaging the binary that is sent
back into an RPM. Microsoft has various requirements before it will
permit signing a vendor's shim.

Consider if the requirements on shim signing were tightened a little
more to require a designated toolchain version, such that all shim
builds became 100% reproducible on any platform. There would be no
need to send the binary to Microsoft for signing, as any binary built
in Fedora would inherently match a standard pre-published signed
binary from that shim release + toolchain. It would be impossible to
distinguish Microsoft signing & returning Fedora's reproducible build,
from Microsoft sending back their original pre-signed build.

This is effectively the situation SGX architectural enclaves are in.

None the less, there are some differences between the shim & SGX scenarios.

The first is that today Fedora has the ability to add arbitrary local
patches to shim & build with arbitrary toolchain versions, which would
be in conflict with a hypothetical requirement for reproducible builds
& fixed toolchain.

The second is that on most (but not all) hardware, users can enroll
personal certificates in the firmware to allow it to trust a shim
binary signed by the user, rather than Microsoft. In the case of SGX
enclaves, it is strictly possible from a technical POV for a user to
build & load & run their own self-signed SGX architectural enclaves.
From a practical POV, however, it is inescapable for the '''pce'''
enclave to have an Intel signature. Without that signature, no
certificate proving authenticity of the hardware can be obtained from
Intel, which would thus undermine the goal of SGX technology. The
certificate is the mechanism for the Fedora user to prove to
themselves that their platform contains genuine Intel CPUs. The other
enclaves do have ways to be used with user supplied signatures,
provided the consuming applications allow sufficient flexibility in
their verification mechanisms. From a practical POV, all usage will be
expecting Intel signatures again because these signatures are a means
for users to establish trust in their hardware platform, but users do
have the freedom to diverge if needed.

===Trademark approval===


===Alignment with the Fedora Strategy===

This aligns with

* '''"Reaching the world"'''. Including SGX will make the Fedora
support for hosting Intel TDX confidential virtual machines feature
complete, by enabling attestation by the guest owner
* '''"Innovation & leadership in technology"'''. SGX is a general
purpose infrastructure technology which enables application developers
to build systems to securely run sensitive workloads. Confidential
virtual machines are expected to become a standard part of the public
cloud in the coming years, as well as make inroads into private clouds
in large organizations. As noted earlier, SGX unlocks the ability to
ship TDX confidential VM technology in future Fedora.

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

This is a new package set which should not have any upgrade impact, as
it will not initially be a dependency of other software. In future it
may be pulled in automatically as a dependency in certain KVM
deployment scenarios. Even when installed, using anything related to
SGX first requires host firmware changes to enable use of the
technology. The systemd services provided have their unit files
conditionalized on the existence of '''/dev/sgx_enclave''' device

== Early Testing (Optional) ==

Do you require 'QA Blueprint' support? N

The proposed new packages are available for testing via Copr, until
such time as they are reviewed & built in Fedora koji:


These should work on any Intel Xeon class platform which has a
suitable HW configuration. NB there may be specific DIMM population

== How To Test ==

* [ Documentation on host
setup] is available but that's a fairly minimalist test. It does not
do much that's interesting to an end user, but is at least proving
that the '''pce''' and '''ide''' enclaves are usable. This is the
limit of the anticipated testing of SGX in Fedora. More extensive
testing will be performed when TDX is integrated at a later date,
though some of this may be performed early on an adhoc basis using
development snapshots of TDX.

== User Experience ==

Initially the will be minimal real world user experience impact, since
on its own this proposal doesn't deliver noticeable end user features.
No existing applications in Fedora are known to have support for SGX
and none are being proposed yet.

The conceptual user benefit will be that users can bootstrap trust in
SGX on their Fedora host. This will facilitate users in deploying 3rd
party applications of their choosing that utilize SGX. It will
facilitate testing by engineers working on TDX support and its
integration into Fedora.

At a later time, when support for Intel TDX is integrated into KVM and
QEMU, the real world Fedora user benefit will significantly expand.

== Dependencies ==

The primary functional dependency for use of SGX is kernel support,
which has been enabled in Fedora for some time. See
"'''CONFIG_X86_SGX=y'''" in the kconfig files.

The packages include some new systemd unit files, two of which should
be configured to be started by default. This will require changes to
the systemd presets in the 'fedora-release' package.

* '''mpa_registration.service''' - this is conditionalized on SGX
being enabled, as witnessed by existence of '''/dev/sgx_eclave.'''
Thus enabling it by default will be a no-op on any existing machines
which have not had SGX turned on in the firmware. It is expected to be
installed on all SGX installations
* '''qgs.socket''' (as a trigger for '''qgs.service''') - this is
likewise conditionalized on SGX being enabled. This will may be pulled
in as a dependency of either libvirt or QEMU RPMs, TBD in the future
TDX change proposal.

== Contingency Plan ==

* Contingency mechanism: The new packages have no ill effects on
existing Fedora usage. Any outstanding work can be postponed to a
later release if required.
* Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
* Blocks release? No

== Documentation ==

[ Documentation on host setup]
is available which is pretty much all that this change is expected to

A change proposal in future Fedora will cover usage of SGX with TDX
confidential virtual machines, which is more interesting to end users.

== Release Notes ==

Aoife Moloney

Fedora Operations Architect

Fedora Project


IRC: amoloney

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