On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 9:08 AM Miroslav Suchý <msu...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Dne 03. 12. 24 v 2:52 odp. Neal Gompa napsal(a):
> > I'm not sure how we can improve this. At least this package doesn't
> > seem to be using the feature to auto-merge and auto-build like some of
> > the others do. Those are the features that create this problem.
> There is no "auto-merge" feature.
> We have "koji-build action" (what you refer as auto-build) - 
> https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/downstream/koji_build
> And "bodhi_update" 
> https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/downstream/bodhi_update
> While bodhi_update can be triggered automatically (by koji build), the 
> "koji-build" action has to be triggered manually
> - either by direct git-push or by merging PR. Both actions are IMO considered 
> by script that removes inactive maintainers.

I hope you mean they count as not maintaining the package, because
that's the behavior *I* would expect.

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