On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 09:17:48AM +0100, Remi Collet wrote:
> Le 16/11/2024 à 22:46, Peter Pentchev a écrit :
> > Hm, ICBW, but, at least to me, this enum change looks like an actual
> > breaking ABI (not API) change. If a program was compiled to call that
> > function with the SentinelFilter value, the program code would pass
> > 32 as a parameter and invoke the function. If loaded with the new
> > version of the library, this would cause the function to assume that
> > the caller wanted to pass MagicKernelSharp2013Filter and... do something
> > unexpected.
> No, SentinelFilter is a special value keeping track of first free value
> A program will never use this in an arg call (OK name is confusing)
> Typical usage
>       if (filter < SentinelFilter) {
>               SetResampleFilter(RF, filter);
>       } else {
>               printf("Bad filter value\n");
>               exit(1);
>       }

Ahh, okay. Thanks a lot for the explanation!

This only leaves one possible case for confusion: a user of the library
that somehow sees a now-valid value and compares it against their
"remembered" value for SentinelFilter, e.g. a callback or something.
But this seems to be a bit of a reach, so yeah, thanks again for
clearing this up, and sorry for stepping in uninformed :)

> Notice: the bad map change have been reverted,
> so 7.1.1-41 is OK with same ABI than 7.1.1-39


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org pe...@morpheusly.com
PGP key:        https://www.ringlet.net/roam/roam.key.asc
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