Dne 21. 03. 24 v 19:47 kloc...@fedoraproject.org napsal(a):
Those trivial substs probably would cover +90% of all packages in time in my
The "trivial" conversion is possible for 4996 license tags (you do not want to count packages, you need to count License
tags). Out of 11k. That is 45%. For the remaining 55% you have to actually check the text of the license. Or use
license scanner.
Currently in Fedora is 23ish k packages so to review with greater care ~2.5k
lets say 30-50/day as afk/warming-up task each day should take for single
person top few weeks .. not years. And because it would be done by single
person I'm sure that he/she will be improving that task during that applying
better and better methodology ans sometimes tools. In that approach I'm 100%
sure that quality of that review will far greater than with spreading that task
to all possible maintainers.
Issue only is that this can be done OLNY by proven packager because submission
PRs/discussing/etc will eat order of magnitude more time to someone without
such permission.
Do I understand it correctly that you are willing to help? I will help you get the proven packager status and onboard
you to current state and availale tooling.
Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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