On Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 08:14:49AM +0100, Petr Pisar wrote:
> V Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 10:20:11AM +0100, Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
> > 
> > Dne 20. 12. 23 v 20:53 Aoife Moloney napsal(a):
> > > ** Adjust `%_sbindir` in `/usr/lib/rpm/macros` (part of `rpm`
> > > package). Packages will be updated automatically during the mass
> > > rebuild.
> > 
> > 
> > Isn't the ultimate goal to drop the `%_sbindir` all together? Shouldn't at
> > minimum the packaging guidelines be updated? We could probably drop the
> > `%_sbindir` automatically in near future.

I added a point about adjusting Packaging Guidelines to Scope section
in the Change proposal.

I don't think we want to drop %_sbindir anytime soon: people use the
same specs for older Fedora releases, CentOS, RHEL, OpenSUSE, etc, and
undefining %_sbindir would require a lot of updates and make it harder
to share the specs. OTOH, keeping the one-line definition of the macro
costs nothing.

> That or another, I'd like this Change to explicitly state whether packagers 
> are
> supposed to keep using %_sbindir, or to replace it with %_bindir in their spec
> files.

I added that to Summary now:

  The definition of %_sbindir will be changed to %_bindir, so packages
  will start using the new directory after a rebuild without any
  further action. Maintainers may stop using %_sbindir, but don't need

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