I'm no lawyer here, and I've only worked with Linux for roughly 8 years now,  but I find  all of this GPL / redhat terms of agreement very confusing and seems at the face of it to be in conflict with each other. For example, Red Hat states:

  "If you use the Individual Developer Subscriptions for any other purposes or beyond the parameters described in these Program Terms, you are in violation of Red Hat’s Enterprise Agreement and are required to pay the Subscription fees that would apply to such use, in addition to any and all other remedies available to Red Hat under applicable law. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to,     ● using the Red Hat Subscription Services for Individual Development Use and/or Individual Production Use on more than sixteen (16) Physical or Virtual Nodes, or     ● selling, distributing and/or rebranding the Red Hat Subscription Services (or any part thereof) contained in the Individual Developer Subscriptions. "

However, the GPL section 4 seems to make pretty clear on how I can "convey verbatim copies" , allowing me to essentially copy/modify the built binaries and take those to any machines as I see fit.

Although redhat provides a free Developer license and access to its source, all I could find with a Dev license was the iso image, either its very difficult to find, or does not exist and I don't believe access to an ISO complies with the GPL either, as the GPL guarantees access to the preferred form of work for the making of modifications to it.

Even if redhat did in fact provide access to a git repo of some kind walled off by a user account and buried behind mouse clicks, would I still be able to compile and build rhel from source and run that on more then 16 machines? Or will I be in violation with Rhels terms and in for a potential lawsuit?

On 6/21/23 14:45, JT wrote:
There are mirrors online that you can pull from as well if you dont have an account or know someone who has an account.  Or you can create a dev account with a throw away email to get the ISOs.  I'll happily download any ISO you want. :P I know several people that their dev account is linked with their personal gmail account, but I havent created a new dev account in a while so IDK if they filter for domains. Red Hat has even released instructions on how you can run your own mirror.  I believe you do need a RH login to access those instructions. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/23016

Example sources:

If you're concerned about getting an ISO from anywhere other than RedHat.com, then I'd suggest you sign up for a free account with a fresh email account that is only used for your RH account.

At the end of the day, the source will always be available in some form, Red Hat cannot violate the GPL without opening itself up to massive lawsuits.

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 5:27 PM Philip Wyett <philip.wy...@kathenas.org> wrote:

    On Wed, 2023-06-21 at 17:18 -0400, JT wrote:
    > >  How are you downloading RHEL ISO images?
    > I already sent you the URL in a prior response:
    > https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhel/download
    > >  Please do not tell me to take a deep breath and relax. Show
    some respect.
    > I am being respectful, I've been trying to explain to you that
    this isn't anything to get
    > stressed out over. I've calmly addressed the questions you've
    > What you are worried about is not possible because of the legal
    requirements of the GPL which Red
    > Hat has accepted by using GPL licensed code.
    > You're stressing out over a non issue... you dont need to stress
    over this... aka... you can
    > relax... it's going to be ok.
    > If me addressing your concerns and telling you that you dont
    need to worry is disrespectful...
    > well... I'm sorry that you think I'm being disrespectful.  I'm
    trying to make you feel better by
    > explaining that you dont need to be worried.

    I did say I tried this, but nobody is listening...


    One mage saying Download/Signup

    One image when you click on download at no cost and you need to
    login or create an account.

    Beauty of using clean VM's



-- *** Playing the game for the games own sake. ***


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