On Wed, 2023-06-21 at 16:23 -0400, JT wrote:
> Red Hat doesn't need to mention it.  It's a legal requirement of the GPL... 
> anyone using the
> binaries has legal right to the source code.  
> As for Red Hat cancelling users accounts who pull the source build binaries 
> and share it...
> that'd probably land them in a lawsuit, because as long as that person who 
> originally downloaded
> the code has the binaries... they are legally entitled to the source for them 
> for as long as they
> have the binaries.
> Furthermore, anyone who shares a binary they build from RH sources... has a 
> legal requirement to
> share the source onto the next person.
> These are precisely the type of issues with the MIT/BSD license that Stallman 
> wanted to address
> with the GPL.
> Red Hat could terminate the dev license... and put RHEL entirely behind a 
> paywall, but they have
> not stated that they are doing so.  And I would imagine that they would get a 
> ton of backlash if
> they did considering that was how they addressed the reaction the 
> CentOS/CentOS Stream change.
> But even if they did that, they still have to provide source to anyone with 
> the binaries.  So all
> it would take is one person buying a license, and then releasing the code.
> Even if Red Hat banned that account, there would just be another account to 
> do the same thing
> again. Red Hat would have to play whack-a-mole to try to stop people from 
> doing that constantly. 

Whack-a-mole is not what we want to play and we are aware of MIT and GPL 
licenses. What the
community needs is a free source of entry. I believe the GPL asks you never 
have to make agreement
to access GPL code. However Red Hat have not defined what a customer and 
partner is, but this
requires having a Red Hat account which requires agreeing to terms etc. to 
access the srpms.



*** Playing the game for the games own sake. ***


* Debian Maintainer (DM)
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