2010/11/25 Tomas Mraz <tm...@redhat.com>:
> On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 21:56 +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>> That's the point of the .path unit. i.e. you can list dirs to watch. If
>> a user then drop a file into one of those dirs cron gets automatically
>> started.
>> Basically, in your .path unit you'd write something like this:
>> [Path]
>> PathExists=/etc/crontab
>> DirectoryNotEmpty=/etc/cron.d
>> DirectoryNotEmpty=/var/spool/cron
>> And the moment where /etc/crontab starts to exist, or somebody drops a
>> file into /etc/cron.d or /var/spool/cron crond would be automatically
>> started.
> But what is the point of this? The /etc/crontab always exists and there
> always are some files in /etc/cron.d.

Actually it's true, but in the near future all standard cron jobs
might be runned by systemd


It's not 100 % cron replacement now, but who knows what the future holds :)

Kind regards,
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