Hi Göran,

Also did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/vm/+bug/1979048 ?
It might help you.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 4:56 PM Göran Uddeborg <goe...@uddeborg.se> wrote:

> My package (emacs-vm) was one of the ones that broke with the upgrade
> to Emacs 28 in F36. I'm trying to get it to work again.
> One of the issues is that it shows up a large number of warnings.
> After some time I've now understood this is because of the new native
> compilation feature. Since my package doesn't include any *.eln files
> and Emacs will do the compilation on first use, and put in the home
> directory. The VM package has a lot of old code that triggers
> warnings. Previously those have only shown up at build time, and I
> have hoped for upstreams to some day fix them. Now they will also show
> up at run time, which obviously is a more annoying user experience.

Do you want to try adding native compilation your package?

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