On Sat, Jun 25, 2022 at 08:39:22PM +0000, devel-requ...@lists.fedoraproject.org 
> This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
> process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
> community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
> by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
> == Summary ==
> The `systemd-udev` package installs
> `"/usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link"`,
> which sets `Link.MACAddressPolicy=persistent`. This proposal is to
> change it to set `Link.MACAddressPolicy=none` to stop changing the MAC 
> address.
> This is particularly important for bridge and bond devices.
> This change can either only apply to bridge/bond devices, or to
> various software devices. That is to be discussed.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:thaller|Thomas Haller]] (NetworkManager)
> * Email: <thal...@redhat.com>
> * Name: [[User:dustymabe| Dusty Mabe]] (Fedora CoreOS)
> * Email: <dm...@redhat.com>
> == Detailed Description ==
> On Fedora, udev by default changes the MAC address of a wide range of
> software devices.
> This was introduced by systemd 242 in early 2019 (Fedora 31), when
> `MACAddressPolicy=` was
> extended to affect more types of devices.
> With `MACAddressPolicy=persistent` udev's aim is to provide a stable
> MAC address, otherwise
> the kernel will assign a random one. However, that can cause problems:
> Firstly, software devices are always created by some tool that has
> plans for the device. The tool may not
> expect that udev is going to change the MAC address and races against
> that. The best solution
> for the tool is to set the MAC address when creating an interface.
> This will prevent
> udev from changing the MAC address according to the MACAddressPolicy.
> Otherwise, the tool should wait for udev to initialize the device to
> avoid the race. In theory, a
> tool is always advised to wait for udev to initialize the device.
> However, if it were not for MACAddressPolicy,
> in common scenarios udev doesn't do anything relevant for software
> devices to make that necessary.
> Secondly, for interface types bridge and bond, an unset MAC address
> has a special meaning
> to the kernel and the MAC address of the first port is used. If udev
> changes the MAC
> address, that no longer works.
> Now the generated MAC address is not directly discoverable as it is
> based on `/etc/machine-id`
> ([https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/machine-id.5.html
> machine-id(5)]), among
> other data. Even if there were a tool to easily calculate the MAC
> address, it could be cumbersome
> to use it without logging into the machine first. The MAC address can
> directly affect the
> assigned IP address, for example when using DHCP. When booting a new
> virtual machine, the user might
> know the MAC address of the (virtual) "physical" interfaces. When
> bonding/bridging those
> interfaces, the bond/bridge would get one of the well known MAC
> addresses. `MACAddressPolicy=persistent`
> interferes with that.
> The goal of persistent policy is to provide a stable MAC address. Note
> that if the
> tool or user who created the interface would want a certain MAC address, they
> have all the means to set it already. That applies regardless whether
> the tool is
> iproute2, NetworkManager, systemd-networkd. Neither NetworkManager nor
> systemd-networkd
> rely on udev's MACAddressPolicy for setting the MAC address. This
> behavior is mostly
> useful for plain `ip link add`, but it's unclear which real world user
> wants this behavior.
> Of course, the user is welcome to configure the MAC address in any way
> they want. Including,
> dropping a link file that sets `MACAddressPolicy=persistent`. The
> problem is once udev sets a MAC address,
> it cannot be unset. Which makes this problematic to do by default.
> While Fedora inherited this behavior from upstream systemd, RHEL-9
> does not follow this behavior
> ([https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/systemd/-/blob/c8953519504bf2e694bfbc2b02a456c1056f252e/0028-udev-net-setup-link-change-the-default-MACAddressPol.patch#L43
> centos9],
> [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1921094 rh#1921094]). For
> RHEL-8, this doesn't
> apply because the systemd there is too old to change the MAC address
> of most software devices.
> This could be either implemented by patching
> `/usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link`
> to have a different policy, or by dropping a link file with higher
> priority. In the latter
> case, that override could be shipped either by udev or even by NetworkManager.
> Another option is to change the scope of this proposal to only change to
> `MACAddressPolicy=none` for the device types where this causes the most issues
> (bridge/bond/team).
+1 (for very large values of 1 :)

"MACAddressPolicy=none" was the default, reliable, expected behavior for
literally *decades* until it got broken around the time of F32 (systemd 242):

Unbreaking the behavior (at least for bridge/bond/team interfaces)
is welcome -- better late than never!

Thanks much,
> == Feedback ==
> This was also discussed on upstream systemd mailing list
> [https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2022-May/047893.html
> here].
> The upstream systemd maintainers' opinion is that the current udev
> behavior is desirable, but accepts that distributions (or network
> stacks such as NetworkManager) may choose to change the default
> depending on their needs
> ([https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2022-May/047943.html
> reference]).
> The goal here is to find out what the Fedora community thinks is the
> most appropriate default.
> The RHEL-9 bug is [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1921094
> [rh#1921094]].
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> Pros:
> - Consistent behavior with RHEL8 and RHEL9.
> - Avoid race of udev and the tool that creates the interface.
> - Bridge and bond interfaces can get the MAC addresses from their first port.
> In the case of `MACAddressPolicy=none` for a bond (or bridge) the bond will
> get a MAC related to one of its physical NIC devices. In the case of
> provisioning
> new systems (especially in a large datacenter) information about the server
> can be used to configure the network environment (DHCP, Firewall, etc) before
> the server is ever even powered on. This does mean that you may have to update
> your network environment configuration if you replace a NIC (con), but that 
> you
> won't have to update your network environment configuration if you re-install
> your server (pro), which is what you'd have to do now with
> `MACAddressPolicy=persistent`.
> Cons:
> - Deviate from upstream systemd.
> It is desirable that RHEL and Fedora behaves similar. A possible outcome
> could be the current behavior stays and RHEL 10 would change behavior. On the
> other hand, different distributions (or even Fedora spins) have different
> uses and needs. Deviating might be fine. In the same vein, there is also
> a desire to stay close to upstream systemd behavior. But the uses of systemd
> project go beyond Fedora/RHEL, so deviating here may also be fine.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> The main goal of this request is to generate productive discussion and
> find the desired behavior.
> The implementation/changes are either way very simple.
> * Other developers:
> Other projects that wish a certain MAC address are welcome to
> set it for their devices. Including using udev's MACAddressPolicy.
> * Release engineering:
> Not needed for this change.
> * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> * Alignment with Objectives:
> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> After the change, the MAC address for the affected device types changes.
> == How To Test ==
> 1) Create a software device two times, for example `ip link add type
> bridge`. Note
> that the MAC address is either stable or random, depending on the
> `MACAddressPolicy=`.
> 2) Note that if the software device has the MAC address set initially,
> udev does not
> change it (`ip link add address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa type bridge`). That depends 
> on
> `/sys/class/net/$dev/addr_assign_type`.
> 3) Create a bridge/bond interface without setting the MAC address.
> Note that if `MACAddressPolicy=none`,
> the MAC address is random at first. Note that attaching the first port
> will update the controller's MAC address.
> On the other hand, with `MACAddressPolicy=persistent`, the MAC address
> of the controller is fixed
> and not inherited from the port.
> 4) Run
>   ip monitor link &
>   while : ; do
>     ip link del xxx
>     ip link add name xxx type dummy \
>     && ip link set xxx addr aa:00:00:00:00:00 \
>     && ip link show xxx | grep -q aa:00:00:00:00:00 \
>     || break
>   done
> to reproduce the race between a simple tool and udev changing the MAC address.
> == User Experience ==
> Bond/bridge devices would again get assigned the MAC address of the
> first NIC added to the device.
> If we chose to not limit the scope of this change to just
> bonds/bridges then all software devices would get randomly assigned
> MAC addresses.
> == Dependencies ==
> None.
> == Contingency Plan ==
> If the change is rejected, nothing needs to be done. The change
> itself will be simple to implement.
> Contingency deadline: beta freeze
> Blocks release? No
> == Documentation ==
> == Release Notes ==
> -- 
> Vipul Siddharth
> He/His/Him
> FPgM team member
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