On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 1:39 PM Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> since you have the script handy, could you check how many (non-pp)
> packagers would be reported as inactive pretty please? Maybe with the
> inactivility threshold raised to 1 year instead of 0.5 y.

I had to run it a second time with the listing disabled because the
first time the output was too long for my terminal's scrollback. :-)

But! Of 2453 packagers, 1514 have not submitted a Koji build since at
least 2021-02-11. 1311 of those have not submitted a Koji build since
at least 2020-02-06. An additional 113 do not exist in Koji.

> I think that if we disabled completely inactive accounts after a year
> or two, this would be reasonable from security perspective. There are
> many many packages which are now maintained by other people so packagers
> can effectively maintain co-ownership without committing to a package
> for years.

I have concerns with this approach. I would guess there's a long tail
of packagers that maintain relatively few packages. These packages
might not have frequent upstream releases or require new manual
builds. Someone who hasn't needed to build a package in 13 months may
still be active in other ways and it would be hostile to strip them of
packager permission in that case. We'd want to be very careful about
how we define "active" (which is a thorny question project-wide that
we don't have a great answer for). We'd also want to give people the
chance to say "no, I'm still here", which makes this a fairly manual
process. If we were to automate it, we absolutely should have a
trivial way for people to regain packager status (i.e. not have to get
re-sponsored, etc).

I would support removing the 113 who don't exist in Koji. And maybe
any packagers without a build over an exceedingly long period of time
(say 5 years?) as a starting point.

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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