> Anaconda goes though everything step-by-step instead, asking one > question after another, doing some work inbetween (partitining), asking > more questions (packages to install) ...
We have worked a little to reduce this over time, too. If you remember we used to have a confirmation screen after picking your packages. The result of that was that many people would click Next, go away to do something thinking packages were being installed, then come back much later only to see that the confirmation screen is still there. But yes, there is always more to do. > Dunno how hard it would be to change anaconda to have such an overview > screen. Maybe it isn't *that* hard after all as we have kickstart. So > for a interactive install anaconda could collect all info from the user, > compile a kickstart file from that, then feed the install machinery with > the just-generated kickstart file. We have talked about doing just this. I don't imagine it's terribly difficuly, with the exception of storage. - Chris -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel